Located in Grand Rapids, Michigan


Owner: Scott Oeverman
Gord Oeverman Builders has been operating in the West Michigan area for the last 40 years with the original owner still in the field. It is now operated by Gord's son Scott, and has been for the past 6 years. We are a sub contracting company who specializes in the rough framing of residential homes. The work we provide is framing on homes, installing windows, deck framing, decking, and some remodeling work.
We take pride in our quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, as well as getting our jobs done in a timely manner.
Become Part of
Gord Oeverman Builders

What We Offer
Our small company offers a great place to work, learn, and grow. We pay attention to detail, knowing our work affects the tradesmen that follow us. General work hours are 45 hours a week. There is health insurance available, as well as paid vacation time.

What We Do
We are sub contractors who specialize in the rough framing of residential homes. Our main forms of work includes studding up walls, building sub floors, setting trusses, sheeting the roof, and setting windows.



For any inquiries, questions, or pricing requests, please email Scott Oeverman at: ScottOeverman@gmail.com or fill out the form below.
Contact Us
To apply for a job with Gord Oeverman Builders, please fill out the job application below.
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